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Are Insulated Modular Buildings The Future of Energy-Efficient Structures?

Are Insulated Modular Buildings The Future of Energy-Efficient Structures?

Green lightbulb on green grass to represent energy efficiency

Boosting the energy efficiency of a building can reduce operational costs due to improved thermal efficiency. 

As we all look to become greener businesses, insulated buildings can also have added benefits in terms of lowering energy consumption. 

While there are various ways of improving building energy efficiency, insulated modular buildings can offer an extremely convenient solution. That’s due to the speed at which they can be constructed, fantastic cost effectiveness and crucially the insulated materials they are made from. 

Lauralu is a leading UK installer of insulated temporary buildings. Here is the lowdown on insulated modular buildings, including why they could just hold the key to improved energy efficiency across your site. 

What Is An Insulated Modular Building?

Insulated modular buildings are weather-resistant structures which can be built to protect stock and equipment. Insulated buildings can also improve working conditions for your team.

Custom-built for your needs as a business, insulated modular buildings can be built to last for up to 10 years. 

In terms of insulative properties, insulated modular buildings are made from high-quality aluminium and steel. Aluminium in particular is well known as an energy-efficient material, with aluminium also being infinitely recyclable. 

Additional customisations can also be made to the building membrane along with the heating and cooling system to improve the thermal efficiency of the structure. 

As for the size and scale of the building, that completely depends on the needs of the client along with the available space. Just as a guide, the team here at Lauralu can create a 1000m² temporary building in as little as 5 days. 

The Energy Efficiency Of Insulated Temporary Warehouse Buildings

As the name suggests, insulated temporary buildings feature insulation which is designed to prevent heat from escaping. However, insulation can also protect the contents of the building from excessive heat in the summer.

Insulated temporary structures can be of benefit to many industries including warehouses, especially where there is a need to protect temperature-sensitive stock. 

Compared with exposed locations, insulated buildings offer both wall and roof coverage meaning operations are less likely to be impacted by the weather. 

The fast turnaround speed at which insulated modular buildings can be constructed also improves energy efficiency. That’s because as a business, you don’t have to wait to have a building constructed that uses less energy for heating or cooling. Instead, as noted above, we can build your structure in a matter of days. 

Considering The Alternatives To Insulated Buildings

Temporary insulated buildings can be installed quickly without the expense and hassle of other options. 

Let’s take a look at what these other options cover, to highlight why insulated modular buildings offer such an excellent alternative. 

Leaving Operations Exposed To The Elements 

Technically, you could decide to leave things as they are. That is if stock or machinery is stored outdoors, then it will be exposed to rain, wind, snow, ice and excessive temperatures as the seasons change. This could damage stock or machinery, slow down production and ultimately cost the business more money. In addition, whatever is exposed to the elements may also be equally exposed to thieves. 

Undertaking A Typical Construction Project 

This involves building a typical brick or similar material construction undertaken by a building form. Cost is often the biggest barrier to building a typical building along with long timeframes. All of this can mean the project can seriously eat into business profits and also take too long to complete. There may also be issues with planning, site access and similar hurdles to navigate. 

Retrofitting An Existing Building

If an existing building fits your needs in terms of available space and overall functionality, then green retrofitting can improve energy efficiency. However, the required measures may be vast depending on how poorly insulated the building is. This means retrofitting may not be cost-effective. For any exposed locations outdoors, a formal building structure would still need to be built.


In summary, it’s clear to see that an insulated temporary structure offers the utmost level of convenience for businesses when there is a need to improve energy efficiency. 

Made from aluminium and steel, plus available with a range of customisations, businesses can control every aspect of how the building will function. All without the costs involved of typical construction, let alone the lengthy project timeframes!

Therefore, we definitely think that insulated workshop buildings are indeed the future. Best of all, with Lauralu you don’t have to wait until the future to get started on your project, as you can enquire about our insulated modular buildings today! 

To find out more about insulated modular buildings give us a call

Alternatively, let us know more about your project by filling out our contact form or emailing us at enquiries@lauraluindustry.co.uk.

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